Untitled Dream
“UNTITLELED DREAM is a surreal cinematic journey into the absurd and undefined world within our minds. Viewers are immersed in a dreamscape of illusions, symbols and unanswered questions that mirror the mysterious nature of the subconscious. Reality and fantasy collide in provocative yet nonsensical ways, much like the disjointed logic of dreams. Without clear answers or explanations, the film invites audiences to contemplate the profound, yet ineffable experience of imagination unleashed.”
Film Type: Experimental, Short/2021
Director, Edit, cinematographer: Amin Barkhordari
Cast: Naghme Azadi
Runtime: 5 minutes and 4 seconds
Production Budget: 0 USD
Country of Filming: Iran
Shooting Format: Digital, Sony Handycam HDR-XR550
Film Color: Color